At Liu Law Firm, we Devote Our Legal Practice Exclusively to Family and Immigration Law.
Family Law
Whether dissolving a marriage on no-fault or fault grounds, we strive to protect your best interests and financial security.
Child Support
Whether through court intervention or by agreement, we work hard to achieve a fair support order.
Child Custody
Whether through joint or sole managing conservatorship, we are committed to protecting your child’s emotional, mental, and physical care during and after family law litigation.
When you need to enforce an order of support or visitation, we are committed to help you gain access to your child or to enforce court-ordered support.
When there are material and substantial changes in your circumstances or the circumstances of your child or other person affected by the order, we stand ready to make the modification process as smooth as possible and explain every step in detail along the way.
Whether establishing paternity voluntarily or through genetic testing, we are dedicated to protecting your parental rights.
Prenuptial and Postmarital Agreements
Whether you are already married or not yet married, a marital agreement can give you and your spouse-to-be peace of mind about protecting both your hard-earned assets and the future.
Immigration Law

Naturalization / Citizenship
When applying to become a U.S. citizen, we can help you stay abreast of constantly changing naturalization laws and steer through the naturalization process swiftly and effectively.
Green Card/Permanent Residency/Adjustment of Status
Whether applying as a 2-year conditional resident or adjusting your status to a permanent resident, we understand the complexity of immigration laws and can guide you through the paperwork and interview process.
Employment-Based Visas
When seeking to work legally in the U.S., we can help you comply with U.S. immigration laws and procedures to help you obtain permission to work toward the American Dream.
Deportation Defense
When facing deportation through a removal proceeding, we understand your stress and frustration and strive to help you achieve your goals.
Family Visas
Whether a loved one is staying on a temporary or permanent basis, we are committed to reuniting you with your most precious asset, your family.
U-Visas/Violence Against Women Act
Whether as a victim of a crime or suffering from family violence, we can help you seek lawful immigration status under the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act and the Violence Against Women Act.
Why Liu Law Firm?
We know first-hand the myriad of issues and stress you face when navigating Texas family courts and the U.S. immigration system. We understand that your future and the future of your family may be on the line and stand ready to help you as your family law attorney or immigration attoney through personalized legal solutions. We also offer legal services in English, Mandarin Chinese, and French.
Our team at Liu Law Firm has over 17 years of experience in Family Law and Immigration Law.
Liu Law Firm personalizes the strategy of each case to meet your unique and individual needs.
Here at Liu Law Firm, we keep our clients updated every step of the way, from the initial filing of a case or petition to every hearing, trial, or interview.

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